We stop copycats from stealing your business

At TrademarksPatentsLawyer.com we specialize in the services of protecting a person’s or a business’s intellectual property rights. We ensure that you pick the correct intellectual property right, which ranges from patents to trademarks.

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Open Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Saturday: 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM

Sunday: 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM

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About Us

Edmonton & Calgary Patent & Trademark Lawyer

Intellectual property (IP) refers to a creation of the intellect or of the mind.

Leading Patent & Trademark lawyers in Alberta. It can be an invention, artistic work, symbol, image or name that is used in conducting commercial activity. By claiming intellectual property rights, you protect your creation and prevent any entity from using it without your permission. This is crucial for your business to reap the profits of your efforts.

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Contact Our Trademark and Patent Law Experts Today!

TrademarksPatentsLawyer.com is a respected name in Canada. We have a reputation of providing excellent service and always delivering what our clients want and need.

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See what we can do for your Business

We are a professional legal firm that protects your business’s interests. The Proper Intellectual Property (IP) Rights are critical for your business.

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Distinctive Trademarks

We stay up-to-date with all the latest Canadian trademark Policies.


Patent Assessment

We will guide you through the entire patenting Process so your innovation is well Protected.

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Business Success

With us you access legal experts who not only meet your intellectual property requirements but also understand your business.


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Leading Patent & Trademark lawyers in Alberta. With us you access legal experts who not only meet your intellectual property requirements but also understand your business.

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